I'm a collector of the Star Trek CCG since 1996. Apart from the tournament foils and similar foil cards, which are really of no interest for me just due to their very high prices, my collection is nearly complete. It consists of 10 folders and comprises more than 4,800 cards.

Because of financial reasons and shortage of space I decided to stop collecting with the release of the second edition and to only complete my collection of the first edition with all expansion sets.

I’m not interested in buying cards because I possess very many double rare cards. Since there are only very few cards missing to complete my collection, I’m willing to sell some of my spare rare cards. If you are interested in a trade simply mail me your offer.

At the moment I don't have any spare common or uncommon cards because I already sold them on eBay.

The condition of most of the offered cards is mint. I expect the same quality of the cards offered to me.

Link Offered Cards: I can offer these cards for trading or selling.
Link Wanted Cards: These cards are missing in my collection at the moment.

Last update: June 25th 2005


Send trading offers to: startrek@danielhause.com
